The SPCC rule requires facilities to develop, maintain, and implement a spill prevention plan to prevent oil spill from entering waterbodies. The SPCC rule applies to facilities when the aggregate aboveground oil storage capacity exceeds 1,320 gallons or when underground storage capacity exceeds 42,000 gallons and a reasonable expectation of an oil discharge into or upon navigable waters of the U.S. or adjoining shorelines. Applicable facilities store, process, refine, uses or consumes oil and is non-transportation-related are potentially subject to the SPCC rule. Transportation related activities which move materials from one facility to another are not included. Containers with storage capacity equal to or greater than 55 U.S. gallons apply toward the facility storage capacity.

Oil of any type and form is applicable, including, but not limited to:

  • Petroleum
  • Fuel oil
  • Sludge
  • Oil refuse
  • Oil mixed with wastes other than dredged spoil
  • Fats, oils or grease of animal, fish or marine mammal origin
  • Vegetable oils, including oils and seeds, nuts, fruits and kernels
  • Other oils and greases, including synthetic oils and mineral oils

Applicable owners or operators must develop and implement an SPCC Plan that describes oil handling operations, spill prevention practices, discharge or drainage controls, and the personnel, equipment and resources at the facility that are used to prevent oil spills from reaching navigable waters or adjoining shorelines.